POST api/Tenants
Request Information
URI Parameters
Body Parameters
TenantDtoName | Description | Type | Additional information |
Id | integer |
None. |
ApplicationKey | string |
Required Max length: 50 |
Fleets | Collection of FleetDto |
None. |
ExclusivityArea | string |
None. |
AllowCashPayment | boolean |
Required |
AllowCreditCardPayment | boolean |
Required |
Name | string |
Required Max length: 100 |
PaymentKey | string |
Max length: 100 |
CreditCardDiscountPercentage | decimal number |
Range: inclusive between 0 and 100 |
FacebookAppId | string |
Max length: 100 |
GoogleWebClientId | string |
Max length: 100 |
GoogleAndroidClientId | string |
Max length: 100 |
GoogleiOsClientId | string |
Max length: 100 |
GoogleMapsApiKey | string |
Max length: 100 |
TwilioSID | string |
Max length: 100 |
TwilioToken | string |
Max length: 100 |
TwilioFromNumber | string |
Max length: 100 |
EtaScale | integer |
None. |
SendSmsOnDrivarAssign | boolean |
None. |
WebSmsUrl | string |
Data type: Url Max length: 2083 |
AndroidSmsUrl | string |
Data type: Url Max length: 2083 |
IosSmsUrl | string |
Data type: Url Max length: 2083 |
CreditCardPrepayment | boolean |
None. |
TaxToChargePercent | decimal number |
None. |
ChargeForPassangerAfter | integer |
Range: inclusive between 1 and 2147483647 |
PerAdditionalPassangerPrice | decimal number |
None. |
CityTaxes | Collection of TenantCityTaxDto |
None. |
DisableClosestAvailabeleCar | boolean |
None. |
DropoffMustBeDefined | boolean |
None. |
ShowCanceledJobsOnBookingHistory | boolean |
None. |
TrackBookingVehicleIcon | string |
None. |
CancelationPolicyLimit | integer |
None. |
CancelationPolicyBefore | CancelationPolicy |
None. |
CancelationPolicyAfter | CancelationPolicy |
None. |
EnablePromoCodes | boolean |
None. |
EnableAdditinalGooglePacesFee | boolean |
None. |
TenantGooglePlaceFees | Collection of TenantGooglePlaceFeeDto |
None. |
Request Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "id": 1, "applicationKey": "sample string 1", "fleets": [ { "id": 1, "created": "2024-09-20T04:46:01.8487318+00:00", "updated": "2024-09-20T04:46:01.8487318+00:00", "name": "sample string 1", "phone": "sample string 2", "logoUrl": "sample string 3", "reservationProcessor": "None", "iCabbiData": { "id": 1, "cretaed": "2024-09-20T04:46:01.8487318+00:00", "updated": "2024-09-20T04:46:01.8487318+00:00", "secretKey": "sample string 1", "appKey": "sample string 2", "iCabbiApiUrl": "sample string 3" }, "currency": "sample string 4", "timeZone": "sample string 5", "useCommonPhoneNumber": true, "commonPhoneNumber": "sample string 7", "siteId": "sample string 8", "useAccountForCreditCardPayments": true, "creditCardAccountId": "sample string 10", "allowFixedPriceForWebBookers": true, "googleMapsApiKey": "sample string 12" }, { "id": 1, "created": "2024-09-20T04:46:01.8487318+00:00", "updated": "2024-09-20T04:46:01.8487318+00:00", "name": "sample string 1", "phone": "sample string 2", "logoUrl": "sample string 3", "reservationProcessor": "None", "iCabbiData": { "id": 1, "cretaed": "2024-09-20T04:46:01.8487318+00:00", "updated": "2024-09-20T04:46:01.8487318+00:00", "secretKey": "sample string 1", "appKey": "sample string 2", "iCabbiApiUrl": "sample string 3" }, "currency": "sample string 4", "timeZone": "sample string 5", "useCommonPhoneNumber": true, "commonPhoneNumber": "sample string 7", "siteId": "sample string 8", "useAccountForCreditCardPayments": true, "creditCardAccountId": "sample string 10", "allowFixedPriceForWebBookers": true, "googleMapsApiKey": "sample string 12" } ], "exclusivityArea": "sample string 2", "allowCashPayment": true, "allowCreditCardPayment": true, "name": "sample string 5", "paymentKey": "sample string 6", "creditCardDiscountPercentage": 1.0, "facebookAppId": "sample string 7", "googleWebClientId": "sample string 8", "googleAndroidClientId": "sample string 9", "googleiOsClientId": "sample string 10", "googleMapsApiKey": "sample string 11", "twilioSID": "sample string 12", "twilioToken": "sample string 13", "twilioFromNumber": "sample string 14", "etaScale": 1, "sendSmsOnDrivarAssign": true, "webSmsUrl": "sample string 16", "androidSmsUrl": "sample string 17", "iosSmsUrl": "sample string 18", "creditCardPrepayment": true, "taxToChargePercent": 1.0, "chargeForPassangerAfter": 1, "perAdditionalPassangerPrice": 1.0, "cityTaxes": [ { "tenantId": 1, "cityName": "sample string 2", "taxPercent": 3.0, "id": 4 }, { "tenantId": 1, "cityName": "sample string 2", "taxPercent": 3.0, "id": 4 } ], "disableClosestAvailabeleCar": true, "dropoffMustBeDefined": true, "showCanceledJobsOnBookingHistory": true, "trackBookingVehicleIcon": "sample string 23", "cancelationPolicyLimit": 1, "cancelationPolicyBefore": "None", "cancelationPolicyAfter": "None", "enablePromoCodes": true, "enableAdditinalGooglePacesFee": true, "tenantGooglePlaceFees": [ { "id": 1, "tenantId": 2, "googlePlaceId": "sample string 3", "price": 4.0 }, { "id": 1, "tenantId": 2, "googlePlaceId": "sample string 3", "price": 4.0 } ] }
Sample not available.
Response Information
Resource Description
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
Sample not available.